Help - SLA Manager

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The SLA Manager is an upgrade to the Performance Professional and Business Transaction plans. It provides a mechanism called Uptime ECT (Error Correlation Technology) to report "true" end-to-end SLA compliance.


The SLA Manager has two main components.

1. The SLA Objectives interface for defining the attributes of a Service Level Agreement applicable to specific web site or web transaction.

2. The SLA Report which displays compliance with the defined objectives.


1. Select SLA Objectives from the Configuration dropdown in the Control Menu.

2. Bring up the SLA Manager screen by clicking on the device or transaction whose SLA objectives you wish to edit. Note that only those devices that are monitored with monitoring type SLA (MultiPOP) will appear in the Site/Device list of the Configuration: SLA Objectives screen.

3. Select the site or transaction SLA you wish to edit with the SLA Manager.

Explanation of Fields

1. Define your SLA
  • Site/Devices: Automatically filled with the name of the monitor.
  • Name: A name for this SLA. For example, Home Page.
  • Description: A description of this SLA. For example, Service Level Objectives for Home Page.
2. Define your Service Level Objectives
  • Availability: A regional perspective on webpage or transaction reliability. If a particular location experiences an error then it is considered unavailable from that location.
  • Uptime: A correlated view of availability across all measurements taken. A site is only considered down if all locations reporting within a two minute window recognize an error.
  • Response Time: The response time objective for this SLA.
    (Use fullpage response times is for fullpage customers who want to only consider measurements where all page content has been downloaded.)
3. Define your Operating Periods

The operating period defines the typical days and times that this SLA is enforced. While many applications have a 7 x 24 operating period some application SLAs are only enforced during normal business hours. For example, M-F 9-5.  

4. Define your Exclusion Periods

Once the SLA template has been saved the first time you can come back and define any exclusion periods where the results should be excluded from compliance reporting.

*Note: These exclusions will not be included in the reported compliance; however, they will be listed at the bottom of the compliance report.  

SLA Report

The SLA Report will display compliance by applying the SLA template created using the SLA Manager for the device in question.

Click Reports in the Control Menu, select the SLA device or transaction, click the radio button for SLA Report in the Select Report list, which monitoring locations' results should be included, and the date range. Click Create Report.